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The most common organisms cultured from Pyogenic Liver Abscess are Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae.

The first branch of aorta in its course through abdomen are the paired inferior phrenic arteries.
The first tributary encountered along the Inferior vena cava is the middle sacral vein, which enters at the junction of common iliac veins.

CECAL BASCULE - Is a highly mobile cecal condition that predispose to a cecal volvulus.

The Bacteroides, an anaerobic organism is the most common colonic microbe, whereas Escherichia coli is the most common aerobe.

The 'meandering mesenteric artery' also known as the arc of Riolan is a collateral artery, first described by Jean Riolan (1580-1657), that directly connects the proximal superior mesenteric artery with the proximal inferior mesenteric artery and may serve as a vital conduit when one or the other of these arteries is occluded. Flow can be forward (IMA stenosis) or retrograde (SMA stenosis), depending on the site of obstruction. Such obstruction results in increased size and tortuosity of this meandering artery, which may be detected by arteriography; the presence of a large arc of Riolan thus suggests occlusion of one of the major mesenteric arteries.

[share] To prevent chronic kidney disease, eat healthy. Limit salt! #WorldKidneyDay #KidneyHealthforAll @ClevelandClinic @AmerMedicalAssn

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Crack MCQs

Cecum - 10 cm
Ascending colon - 15 cm
Transverse colon - 45 cm
Descending colon - 25 cm
Sigmoid colon - 15 to 50 cm
Rectum - 12 to 15 cm

Few non surgical causes of acute abdomen

Diabetic crisis
Addisonian crisis
Acute intermittent porphyria
Acute hyperlipoproteinemia
Heriditary Mediterranean fever
Sickle cell crisis
Acute leukemia
Lead and other heavy metal poisoning
Narcotic withdrawal
Black widow spider poisoning